how to bypass frp account condor Plume L4 Pro

Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro Android 9 Without PC

Have you lost access to your Condor phone because of losing your google account? You can fix this problem through a method of Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro (Android 9). We will change device language to (Arabic), after that, we will install (Account Login) application to setup latest google account.

Note: We highly recommend you to apply this method only on your own device, if you are not owner of Condor Plume L4 device, or you found this from some where, you must return this device to its real owner. This method is just for educational purpose only for device owner.


Let’s Start to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro:

-Turn on device and connect WiFi.

-After that, go back on first (Hi there) screen by hitting back arrow icon from bottom.

-Switch device langue from English to (Arabic).

Change language to arabic

-Tap to > Center yellow option > bottom right option.

-Tap to back arrow icon from loading page.

go to next from main arabic setup page to bypass google frp Hisense U70


-You will reach back to (WiFi screen). From there, tap on last “WiFi” option. After that, tap to “+” option.

GO TO WIFI Option to bypass frp


-You will see keyboard on screen, just long tap at “World” icon, after that, tap to “Last blue option” from there.

-Go to “Center Blue” option. After that, from language list page.

long tap world icon from keyboard option to bypass frp


-Find and tap to any “Arrow mentioned” language same as shown in below image.

-You will be able see (3 dots) icon, just tap to that “3 dots” icon from top left corner and tap to “2nd option”.

go to arrow indicated language to bypass google frp Hisense U70


-Let’s hit on a “Search bar” from top.

-Switch keyboard language to English by hitting once on the “World” icon. After that, your keyboard language will be changed to English.

change keyboard language from arabic to english


-Search there with “del” and go to “Delete or disable apps on Android”.

-After that, tap to same blue link from next page as shown in below image.

tap on delete or disable app on android to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro


-Scroll down and tap to “Yotuube”. After that, tap to “1st option” from next page.

-Hit over “Down Arrow” option from bottom.

-After that, tap to “last option” from there to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro.

go to youtube website in arabic to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro

-Go to > About > Google option.

go to about option to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro

-You will be taken to the google chrome browser screen, from there, tap to > Center option > Center option > Right option.


Download Apex Launcher App:

-Search in browser with “Download FRP Tools Techeligible“. Go to same searched result as shown in below image.

-From frp tools page, scroll down and download below apps.

1st: Google Account Manager 8.

2nd: Account Login.

Note: If you see popup window before downloading start, just tap to “Blue” option to start downloading process.

-Wait until downloading process is done of all above apps.


-This is the 3rd app, we are gonna download and install directly to access device main home-screen.

3rd: Apex Launcher.

-Tap to “Blue” option to start downloading process.

start downloading

-You will see another notification once the downloading process is done, just tap to “Blue link” option from there as well to see downloaded app (Apex Launcher).


-After that, tap on “Apex Launcher” app to start installing process.

-From chrome popup window, tap on “Left option”, after that, turn on an option from there.

allow from this source to install app in Nokia


-Tap to “Back Arrow” icon from bottom to get back to installation page.

-Tap to “Left option” to install this app. Once the installing process is done, tap again on “Left option” from bottom left corner.

install and open apex launcher in arabic langauge to Remove FRP Account Wiko Sunny 3


-Tap to > Next > Next > Next. After that, tap to “Cross icon” from top left corner.

-Hit on “HomeScreen” button.

-You will be redirected inside the device main home-screen.

-From popup window, just tap to “Free Trial” option. After that, tap to “Cross icon” from top right corner.

-Let’s open your device menu, and go to “Files”. After that, go to “Download” folder to see your downloaded apps.


-We are gonna install (Google account manager 8). Just tap to > Google Account Manager 8 > Left option > Left option.

install google account manager to bypass frp


-Tap to another app > Account Login > Left option > Left option.

install account login app in arabic language to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro


-You will be taken to the login screen, just tap to “3 dots” icon from the top and tap on “1st option”. (See below image).

-From popup screen, tap to “Left option”.

Go to google account setup page to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro arabic


-Sign in with updated google account to Bypass FRP Condor Plume L4 Pro.

-You can happily reboot your device and change your device language back to (English).

-After that, you can finish up setup wizard steps easily.