Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84 Android 14 By Moto Secure App
Have you lost your device access after hard reset? That happens, when someone forget already synced google account. Because, your device has FRP protection, which is linked with your google account. After hard reset the device, you must login back with your google account to verify your device ownership. However, if you are unable to access to your device? Then, follow up steps here to Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84.
Disclaimer: We are creating this post to educate people about how to get back their lost device due to forgetting Google account. This method is only for device owner and for educational purpose only.
Let’s Start to Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84:
-We’re going to switch on device & Connect WiFi. After that, go to (Verify your account) page. Where, you are asked to login back with already signed in google account.
-Type any random text in (Email or Phone) field tab and tap to “Next”. But, this will not accept your email. You have to keep doing this multiple times, do this 20-30 times. The reason is, you have to spend 2-3 minutes on this screen by doing such type of activity to drain your batter at least 2%.
-Go back on (Privacy & Software update..) screen.
-From there, hit on a “Motorola Privacy Policy”.
Note: In case of not having the same screen of (Privacy & Software Update) . Don’t worry. You can access to page by going back to (WiFi screen). From there, tap once on your (Connected WiFi SSID) name. Afterwards, you will reach to (Privacy & Software Update) screen successfully. |
-Let’s tap on a “About this statement” option and tap to “website privacy statement” link.
-Tap again on “About this statement”. After that, tap to this email ““.
-From Motorola Signing in screen, go to “Sign in” option from top. After that, go to “Sign in with Motorola Account” to Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84.
-Let’s double hit on a text “Enter your email”. After that, you will receive some options there, just tap to “Share”.
-From popup screen, go to > Message > New message.
-After that, you have to access to youtube website by sending “” url as text message.
-After sending url to any random number as text message, hit on a “Tap to load preview” from sending url.
-Tap to “Youtube image” from there.
-From popup window, tap to “Allow” option.
-After accessing to youtube app, just go to “Account” icon from top right corner.
-Tap to “Settings” icon.
-Let’s go to > About > Youtube terms of services.
-From next settings page, tap to “Accessibility” option.
-Turn on (Accessibility player).
-You will be displayed another option, just tap to “Hide player controls”.
-You will have popup window on screen, just tap to a blue colored link “Device Settings”.
Turn on 3 dots icon Function:
-Go to “Accessibility menu” option and turn on (Accessibility menu shortcut).
-After that, tap to > Allow > Ok.
-After enabling accessibility function, you wills starting having 3 dots icon on right edge of your device screen.
-Keep hitting on back arrow icon until you reach on (Privacy and Software updates) screen. From there, tap to > 3 dots > Assistant.
Use Moto Secure App to Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84:
-You will be displayed a (Try Saying) popup screen, just tap on “Keyboard” icon. After that, search there with “Moto Secure”.
-Tap on screen anywhere and go to > Continue > Next > Next > Ok.
-From security scan page, just tap to 2nd number “Phishing detection”.
-Go to “Search” icon from top corner to open up search bar.
-Search there “Apps” and tap on “Apps” option from searched result.
-Tap on “App battery usage” option.
-You will have all apps there those are used to consume your battery. From there, tap to > Moto > Open.
Enable & Use Sidebar Menu:
-Tap to a “Sidebar” function, that is underneath (Gesture).
-Enable “Use Sidebar” function same as shown below.
-You will see (Sidebar menu icon) at the right side of your device screen. That will be a (Vertical line) same as shown below.
-Tap on a (Vertical line) to open up sidebar menu to Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84.
-Tap to few times on (Next > Next > Ok).
-Go to “Settings” option by tapping from bottom left corner.
-De-select all apps by hitting on “-” icon from each app.
-Let’s tap on “Tools” from top center.
-Select both apps from there “Back to Home” and “Switch to the last app” (See below image).
-Tap once on the back arrow icon to go back to main (Sidebar) screen.
-Bring up sidebar menu by hitting on a (Vertical line) to verify that, your both selected apps are being displayed there.
-Let’s get back on a app list page same as shown below.
-Go to “App battery usage” option.
Let’s Disable Google Play Services App:
-From app list screen, find and tap to > Android Auto > Force Stop > Ok.
-Tap also on a > Disable > Disable App.
-Go back to app list screen. From there, hit over a > Google Play Services > Force Stop > Ok.
-Tap to > Disable > Disable App.
-After disabling both apps, let’s bring up “Sidebar” menu and tap over a “Home” icon from there to reach back to (Hello) screen.
-From first (Hi there) page, tap to > Start > Skip.
-You will reach on a (Privacy & Policy update) screen, from there, hit on a > Accept & Continue > Don’t Copy.
-Your device will stuck on a (Just a sec…) loading screen. Tap to “Back Arrow” from bottom to go back to (Privacy & Policy update) page.
Enable Back Google App Using SideBar:
-Open “Sidebar” menu from right side.
-Afterwards, tap to “Arrow” icon. This will take you back to the (App list) screen.
-From there, tap over a > Google Play Services > Enable.
-Its all done now from Remove FRP Motorola Moto G84.
-Keep tapping on back arrow until you reach back on a (Connect to WiFi) screen. From there, hit on a > Setup offline > Continue.
-You can complete setup wizard steps easily without stuck on google verification screen.